You can help Lahai Health earn Donations just by shopping with your Fred Meyer Rewards Card!
Lahai Health has been recognized as a nonprofit participant in Fred Meyer’s Community Rewards program. Fred Meyer donates over $2 million per year to non-profits in Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington, based on where their customers tell them to give.
Here’s how it works:
You will need to be signed up for a FM Rewards Card. Then sign up for the Community Rewards program by linking your FM Rewards Card to Lahai Health here. You can search for Lahai Health by our name or by our non-profit number, PG061. By linking your FM Rewards Card to Lahai Health as the non-profit of your choice, every time you shop at FM you are helping us earn a donation. This does not affect the Rewards Points, Fuel Points, and Rebates you may be currently earning with Fred Meyer.
Sign up today, and ask your friends and family to do so also!